

Solar Angles

While the output power of the Sun is usually considered as a constant, the amount of power arriving at the Earth’s surface varies according to the time, location, weather, and relative position of the Earth with respect to the Sun. Besides, the available data needed for a solar power calculation is usually given for a horizontal surface and most of the PV systems are placed in a tilted position. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate a set of parameters describing the Sun’s relative position with respect to the position of the system being irradiated. These parameters are calculated for points located at the center of every pixel (with high resolution) within the extension under analysis and for every hour of the year.

Declination Angle \(\delta\)

This angle varies during the year due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis, which is 23.45° tilted, so the declination ranges between -23.4° and 23.45° through the year. The declination could be interpreted as the latitude where the Sun’s rays perpendicularly strike the Earth’s surface at solar noon. This value is the same for all the locations within the globe for a given day and is calculated as follows [11]:

\[\delta=\arcsin\left(0.3978 \sin\Big(\frac{2\pi N}{365.25}-1.4+0.0355 \sin\Big(\frac{2\pi N}{365.25}-0.0489\Big)\Big)\right)\]

where N is the day of the year.

Solar Time

The time is important to define the position of the Sun in the sky. However, it is easier to use the time if it is converted into solar time. To do so, a few corrections are needed. The equation of time is an empirical equation which corrects the error caused by the axial tilt of the Earth and the eccentricity of its orbit [11]:

\[EOT=-0.128 \sin\Big(\frac{360}{365.25}N-2.8\Big)-0.165 \sin\Big(\frac{720}{365.25}N +19.7\Big)\]

When the time is given in GMT, as it is for this model, it is also necessary to take into account the longitude of the location, hence the time correction:


where the factor 15 accounts for the geographical span of each time zone (15° of longitude). With this correction, the local solar time is calculated as:

\[LST = T_{GMT}+TC\]

where LST is the local solar time. An even more apporpriate time measure for solar calculations is the hour angle \(\omega\) This converts hours into degrees which indicate how the Sun moves in the sky relatively to the Earth, where the solar noon is 0°, the anlges after the noon positive, and before the noon negative.

\[\omega=15 (LST-12)\]

Another important quantity is the duration of the day, which is delimited by the sunrise and the sunset. The sunrise and sunset have the same value, however, the sunrise is considered negative and the sunset positive. They depend on the day of the year and the location on the Earth (denoted by the declination and the latitude \(\phi\) respectively) and they are calculated for a horizontal surface as follows [7]:


Due to self-shading, a tilted plane might be exposed to different sunrise and sunset’s values. Also, if the plane is not facing the equator, the sunrise and sunset angles will be numerically different for such surfaces. The following equations consider this orientation changes for the sunrise and sunset values of a tilted plane [7].


where \(\gamma\) is the azimuthal orientation of the panel and \(\beta\) is the tilt of the panel (for this model, chosen as the optimal tilt according to the latitude). These equations might give higher values than the real sunrise and sunset values. This would imply that the Sun rises over the tilted plane before it has risen over the horizon or that when the Sun sets, there is still light striking the plane. As this is wrong, the sunrise and sunset values for a horizontal plane must be compared with the values for a tilted plane and the lower values (for both sunrise and sunset) must be selected.


Incidence Angle \(\theta\)

As stated before, PV panels are not normally parallel to the Earth’s surface, so it is necessary to calculate the incidence angle of the Sun’s rays striking the surface of the panel. Nevertheless, a set of angles must be calculated in order to calculate the incidence angle.

The elevation angle \(\alpha\) or altitude angle measures the angular distance between the Sun and the horizon. It ranges from 0° at the sunrise to 90° at the noon (the value at the noon varies depending on the day of the year) [12].

\[\alpha=\arcsin[\sin\delta \sin\phi+\cos\delta\cos\phi\cos\omega]\]

The azimuth angle \(A_{z}\) is an angular measurement of the horizontal position of the Sun. It could be seen as a compass direction with 0° to the North and 180° to the South. The range of values of the azimuth angle varies over the year, going from 90° at the sunrise to 270° at the sunset during the equinoxes. The equation for the azimuth depends on the time of the day. For the solar morning, it is [12]:


and for the afternoon:


With the already calculated angles, it is possible to calculate the incidence angle, which is the angle between the surface’s normal and the Sun’s beam radiation [10]:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \theta_{i}=&\arccos(\sin\delta \sin\phi \cos\beta \\ &-\sin\delta\cos\phi\sin\beta\cos\gamma \\ &+\cos\delta\cos\phi\cos\beta\cos\omega \\ &+\cos\delta\sin\phi\sin\beta\cos\gamma\cos\omega\\ &+\cos\delta\sin\beta\sin\gamma\sin\omega) \end{split}\end{split}\]


When one-axis tracking is active, the tilt angle \(\beta\) and the azimuthal orientation \(\gamma\) of the panel change constantly as the panel follows the sun. In this model a tilted on-axis tracking with east-west tracking is considered. The rotation of the plane around the axis is deffned by the rotation angle R, it is calculated in order to achieve the smallest incidence angle for the plane by the following equations [13]:

\[X=\frac{-\cos\alpha \sin(A_z-\gamma_a)}{-\cos\alpha \cos(A_z-\gamma_a)\sin\beta_a+\sin\alpha \cos\beta_a}\]
\[\begin{split}\Psi= \begin{cases} 0, & \text{if}\ X=0, \text{ or if } X>0 \land (A_z-\gamma_a)>0, \text{ or if } X<0 \land (A_z-\gamma_a)<0 \\ 180, & \text{if}\ X<0 \land (A_z-\gamma_a)>0 \\ -180, & \text{if}\ X>0 \land (A_z-\gamma_a)<0 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

for the previous equations, \(\beta_a\) and \(\gamma_a\) are considered as the tilt and azimuthal orientation of the tracking axis respectively. The variable \(\Psi\) places R in the correct trigonometric quadrant. For the selection of \(\Psi\), the difference \((A_z-\gamma_a)\) must be considered as the angular displacement with the result within the range of -180°to 180°. Once the rotation angle is calculated, the tilt and azimuthal orientation of the panel are calculated as follows:

\[\beta=\arccos(\cos R \cos\beta_a)\]
\[\begin{split}\gamma= \begin{cases} \gamma_a+\arcsin\Big(\dfrac{\sin R}{\sin\beta}\Big), & \text{for}\ \beta_a \neq 0, -90 \leq R \leq 90 \\ \gamma_a-180-\arcsin\Big(\dfrac{\sin R}{\sin\beta}\Big), & \text{for}\ -180 \leq R < -90 \\ \gamma_a+180-\arcsin\Big(\dfrac{\sin R}{\sin\beta}\Big), & \text{for}\ 90 < R \leq -90 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Then the incidence angle is calculated using the new \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) angles. For two-axis tracking the beta angle is considered as the complementary angle to the altitude angle while the azimuthal orientation angle \(\gamma\) is considered as \(A_z - 180\).

Solar Power

To calculate the solar power we must start with the solar constant. However, the irradiance striking the top of the Earth’s atmosphere (TOA) varies over the year. This is due to the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and its tilted axis. The TOA is calculated according to the following equation [10]:

\[TOA=G_{sc}\Big[1+0.03344 \cos\Big(\frac{2 \pi N}{365.25}-0.048869\Big)\Big] \sin\alpha\]

where \(G_{sc}\) is the solar constant (1367 W/m2) and N is the day of the year. This equation escalates the solar constant by multiplying it with a factor related to the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and the sinus of the altitude angle of the Sun to finally get the extraterrestrial horizontal radiation.

To calculate the amount of horizontal radiation at the surface of the Earth, the attenuation caused by the atmosphere must be considered. A way to measure this attenuation is by using the clearness index \(k_t\). This value is the ratio between the extraterrestrial horizontal radiation and the radiation striking the Earth’s surface:


where \(GHI_{M2}\) and \(TOA_{M2}\) are the global horizontal irradiance and the top of the atmosphere radiation extracted from MERRA-2 data. Furthermore, the GHI is made-up by diffuse and beam radiation:


where \(G_b\) is the beam radiation, which is the solar radiation that travels directly to the Earth’s surface without any scattering in the atmosphere, and \(G_d\) stands forfor the diffuse radiation, the radiation that comes to a surface from all directions as its trajectory is changed by the atmosphere. These two components have different contributions to the total irradiance on a tilted surface, so it is necessary to distinguish between them. This can be done using the correlation of Erbs et al [4], which calculates the ratio R of the beam and diffuse radiation as a function of the clearness index.

\[\begin{split}R= \begin{cases} 1 - 0.09 k_t, & \text{for}\ k_t\leq0.22 \\ 0.9511 - 0.1604 k_t+ 4.388 k_t^2 - 16.638 k_t^3 + 12.336 k_t^4, & \text{for}\ 0.22> k_t \leq 0.8 \\ 0.165, & \text{for}\ k_t>0.8 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Furthermore, diffuse radiation could be divided into more components. The HDKR model [3][10], developed by Hay, Davies, Klucher, and Reindl in 1979 assumes isotropic diffuse radiation, which means that the diffuse radiation is uniformly distributed across the sky. However, it also considers a higher radiation intensity around the Sun, the circumsolar diffuse radiation, and a horizontal brightening correction. To use the HDKR model, some factors must be defined first [10]. The ratio of incident beam to horizontal beam:


The anisotropy index for forward scattering circumsolar diffuse irradiance:


The modulating factor for horizontal brightening correction:


Then the total radiation incident on the surface is calculated with the next equations:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} G_T=GHI\Big[(1-R+RA_i)R_b+R(1-A_i)\Big(\frac{1+\cos\beta}{2}\Big)&\Big(1+f\sin^3\frac{\beta}{2}\Big)\\ &+\rho_g\Big(\frac{1-\cos\beta}{2}\Big)\Big] \end{split}\end{split}\]

Where \(\rho_g\) is the ground reflectance or albedo and it is related to the land use type of the location under analysis. The first term of this equation corresponds to the beam and circumsolar diffuse radiation, the second to the isotropic and horizon brightening radiation, and the last one to the incident ground-reflected radiation.


Temperature losses

In a PV panel, not all the radiation absorbed is converted into current. Some of this radiation is dissipated into heat. Solar cells, like all other semiconductors, are sensitive to temperature. An increase of temperature results in a reduction of the band gap of the solar cell which is translated into a reduction of the open circuit voltage. The overall effect is a reduction of the power output of the PV system. To calculate the power loss of a solar cell it is necessary to know its temperature. This can be expressed as a function of the incident radiation and the ambient temperature [9]:


where \(T_{amb}\) is the ambient temperature and k is the Ross coefficient, which depends on the characteristics related to the module and its environment. It is defined based on the land use type of the region where the panel is located. With the temperature of the panel, the fraction of the irradiated power which is lost can be calculated as:


where \(T_r\) is the rated temperature of the module according to standard test conditions and \(T_k\) is the heat loss coefficient. Both values are usually given on the data sheets of the PV modules.

PV Capacity Factor Calculation

It is the ratio of the actual power output to the theoretical maximum output which is normally considered as \(1000 W/m^{2}\). The temperature loss is also considered for this calculation:

\[CF_{PV} = \frac{G_T(1-Loss_T)}{1000}\]

Ground coverage ratio (GCR)

It is also important to consider the area lost due to the space between the modules or due to the modules shading adjacent modules. This is done with the GCR which is the ratio of the module area to the total ground area.

\[GCR=\frac{1}{\cos\beta+|\cos A_z| \cdot \Big(\dfrac{\sin\beta}{\tan \alpha}\Big)}\]


For its popularity and long development history, the parabolic trough technology was chosen to model Concentrated Solar power.

Convection Losses

The receiver of parabolic troughs are kept in a vacuum glass tube to prevent convection as much as possible. Radiative heat losses are still present and ultimatly results in convective losses between the glass tube and the air. These heat losses are increased when wind is blowing around the receiver. The typical heat losses for a receiver can be estimated through the following empirical equation [3]:

\[Q_{Loss} = A_r(U_{L_{cst}} + U_{L_{Wind}} \cdot V_{Wind}^{0.6})(T_i-T_a)\]

where \(A_r\) is the outer area of the receiver, \(U_{L_{cst}}\) correspond to a loss coefficient at zero wind speed, \(U_{L_{Wind}}\) is a loss coefficient dependent on the wind speed \(V_{Wind}\), \(T_i\) is the average heat transfer fluid temperature, and \(T_a\) is the ambient temperature.

Typical values for the \(U_{L_{cst}}\) and \(U_{L_{Wind}}\) are 1.06 \(kW/m^{2}K\) and 1.19 \(kW/(m^{2}K(m/s)^{0.6})\) respectively

Flow Losses

Flow loss coefficient or heat removal factor \(F_r\) is the ratio between the actual heat transfer to the maximum heat transfer possible between the receiver and the heat transfer fluid (HTF). These losses result from the difference between the temperature of the receiver and the temperature of the HTF and are dependent on the heat capacity and the flow rate of the HTF. A typical value for parabolic troughs is 95%.

CSP Capacity Factor Calculation

The capacity factor of a solar field is the ratio of the actual useful heat collected to the theoretical maximum heat output of 1000 W/m². It is given by the formula:

\[CF_{csp} = \frac{F_r(S - Q_{Loss})}{1000}\]

Where \(S\) is the component of the DNI captured by the collector at an angle (based on one axis traking), \(Q_{Loss}\) is the heat convection losses, and \(F_r\) is the heat removal factor.


Wind Speed

In order to use a single value for the following wind power calculations, a norm is calculated as if both variables were vectors, so the absolute velocity is:

\[W_{50M} = \sqrt{V50M^2+U50M^2}\]

However, the wind velocities extracted from MERRA-2 are given for a height of 50 meters, which does not correspond to the hub height of the wind turbines; therefore, they must be extrapolated.

Wind Shear

While the wind is hardly affected by the Earth’s surface at a height of about one kilometer, at lower heights in the atmosphere the friction of the Earth’s surface reduces the speed of the wind [2]. One of the most common expressions describing this phenomenon is the Hellmann exponential law, which correlates the wind speed at two different heights [6].


Where \(v\) is the wind speed at a height \(H\), \(v_0\) is the wind speed at a height \(H_0\) and \(\alpha\) is the Hellmann coefficient, which is a function of the topography and air stability at a specific location.

Wind Power

The wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the air into torque. The power that a turbine can extract from the wind is described by the following expression [8]:

\[P=\frac{1}{2}\rho A v^3 C_p\]

where \(\rho\) is the density of the air, \(v\) is the speed of the wind and \(C_p\) is the power cofficient. As it is shown in the previous equation, the energy in the wind varies proportionally to the cube of the wind’s speed. Therefore, the power output of wind turbines is normally described with cubic power curves. However, there are some regions within those curves which have special considerations.

Cut-in wind speed

The wind turbines start running at a wind speed between 3 and 5 m/s to promote torque and acceleration. Therefore, there is no power generation before this velocity.

Rated Wind Speed

The power output of a wind turbine rises with the wind speed until the power output reaches a limit defined by the characteristics of the electric generator. Beyond this wind speed, the design and the controllers of the wind turbine limit the power output so this does not increase with further increases of wind speed.

Cut-out wind speed

The wind turbines are programmed to stop at wind velocities above their rated maximum wind speed(usually around 25 m/s) to avoid damage to the turbine and its surroundings, so there is no power generation after this velocity.

Wind Onshore and Offshore Capacity factor

Finally, the capacity factors, which are the ratios of the actual power output to the theoretical maximum output (rated wind speed), are calculated according to the previously presented regions:

\[\begin{split}CF= \begin{cases} \dfrac{W_{hub}^3-W_{in}^3}{W_r^3-W_{in}^3}, & \text{for}\ W_{in}<W_{hub}<W_r \\ 1, & \text{for}\ W_r\leq W_{hub}\leq W_{out} \\ 0, & \text{for}\ W_{hub}<W_{in} | W_{hub}>W_{out} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(W_{in}\) is the cut-out wind speed, and \(W_r\) is the rated wind speed. The area is not included in the previous equations as it does not change in both generation states (actual and theoretical maximum power). While the density could vary for both states, the overall impact of a change in density is negligible compared to the wind speed and therefore is not included in the calculation.